An independent illustration project addressing the inner critic and how one can deal with the low-points of the creative process, this project was made for my art page, 

The first step was the story-boarding in quick sketches to gauge exactly what I wanted to do with the post, including the text, placement and color palette: 
Simple sketches help to gauge creative direction 
Further to this, I began creating my illustration, which is aimed in a surreal style and borrows inspiration from Tarot's representation of the divine feminine creator, the Empress. I made this in my own likeness because this was a rather personal project for me. 
Find the carousel here.
Below are my illustrations:
The post was one of my highest organic engagement posts, garnering over 100 likes, 20 reshares and multiple comments, earning me 5 followers in the process. The illustrations perfectly embody the message of my work and have helped up engagement through a powerful story-board. 
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